Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Why ya gotta be all bitchy like that?

When it comes to interaction among women who don’t know one another that well, there are two types of ladies: “friendly, outgoing, hey-how-ya-doin’” ladies and “I’ve met you 16 times but I’ll still pretend I have no fucking clue who you are and treat you like an absolute piece of shit” ladies. Am I right? And per my headline, I just need to know: why ya gotta be like that? Help a sister out.

Let’s take me as an example. I’m harmless. My dear friend Christian once dubbed me the “golden retriever of humans”. I just like making friends. Is that so wrong? I don’t want your boyfriend, your husband or your job. I might envy all those things but anything I get, I can get on my own, thank you very much. If you’d stop to talk to me for 5 seconds you’d find out I really am genuinely interested in you and if I’m staring at you it’s probably because I really like your shoes or something. If you’d return my gaze I’d probably tell you that. See, I’m a people person, goddamnit!

I’d dare say most women (60%?) are the same as me when it comes to chatting it up with other women. The other 20% (the ones who look at the floor when you pass them) are probably just shy and after a few stupid jokes at the copier or a fat glass of wine at happy hour you can break through. But it’s the other 20% that I can’t quite crack. Hmmm.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is some funny shit. RB, you should hang with these cool guys


2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

word my caucasian sister.

2:39 PM  
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