Friday, December 02, 2005

Happy Birthday to me: I'm an aunt!

Ok, so I’m a fake aunt, but it feels real to me. Baby GIRL (I knew it) Duck arrived today at 3:51 am – 9 lbs 2 ounces! (Ouch, man – that’s gotta leave a mark.) I’ve never actually welcomed another human being into the world on the first day of their life and I have to say, it’s pretty incredible. I’m still all verklempt. She’s perfect and beautiful with big round cheeks. And she squeaks a lot. I love her and can’t wait to watch her become her own little person and spoil her as much as her parents will let me. OK, I’m all verklempt again.

Anyhoo, it’s my birthday. Who’da ever thunk I’d be where I am at the ripe old age of, ahem, 18? It’s kind of bizarre, nothing’s right or permanent, my world is upside down but strangely, I feel like I’m exactly where I need to be, which is in the city I love, surrounded by so many unbelievable friends and interesting people and on the way to..something. I’m not even sure what yet, other than a full-time job in this career I still stalk. I also had this dream last night that I met this faceless, amazing, funny, sensitive guy….but he was THE guy. I could feel the chemistry in my dream. WHERE ARE YOU?????? Can you at least send a few of your hot friends over to my birthday party tonight to make out with me? Help a sister out! I guess the dream will have to suffice for now.

So here’s my list of random learnings and musings for the year. Some are insightful, most aren’t. I’d like to say they’re things I’ve been thinking about and learning from over the year, but most are things I thought of in the last 15 minutes. Enjoy them and please feel free to share your own random learnings. That’s what birthdays and blogs are for, right?

One last thing, thanks to the handful of you who read this thing regularly. It’s fun to write it. And you’re just lovely for the comments you leave and the funny things you say and for enduring my sassy, sometimes pointless comments back on your blogs. Is it lame if I say it makes my day when I read it and see your shiny little fonty faces? Because it does. I wish all of you could be here tonight for the cocktails and karaoke bash. But don’t worry, I’ll drink and sing enough for all of us.

-Your gut is always right.
-Safeway Soups are worth the $4.99.
-You can love and miss a city (or two) as much as a person.
-When the homeless man tells you it’s a holiday and that you don’t have to put change in the parking meter, he’s lying.
-I’m gullible.
-If somebody is into you, they call you. They don’t email. They don’t text. They call. For fuck's SAKE, why is this hard?
-Using the “you look like a celebrity” angle to pick up a woman and then telling her the celebrity she looks like is Gregory Peck is not effective. (and no, I’m not the one who stole his Walk of Fame star.)
-When they bring you a hot plate at a restaurant and tell you not to touch it, don’t touch it.
-It takes more than love to sustain a relationship.
-I will never be able to stop quoting random movies. As my friend, or even as a random reader of my blog, you’ll just accept this, overlook it and learn a few key movies so you’ll at least know what I’m talking about when I start a sentence with “If I got to ride yo ass like Zorro…” or “I’ve got nipples, Focker, can you milk me?” or answer a question barking on one leg with “Whatever YOU like.” (name all 3…I know you can do it, Dshaw. Anyone else?)
-The African-American man collectively loves him some Rbrown. Is it my hot, hourglass bod (ahem)? I just don’t know.
-9 out of 10 dentists agree: trying to “be friends” with people you seriously dated is stupid and pointless and wrong.
-Speaking of dentists, change yours if he/she wants to cap any tooth in your visible smile region with gold.
-It’s shallow but I get angry when I go for long periods without: a good haircut, good color, decent moisturizer, a proper Mission-style burrito, a good spicy tuna roll, an excellent work-out or a nice glass of wine. Can’t I have them all in moderation? Even if I have to sell platelets or panhandle? Is that so wrong?
-I will (try to) never date an advertising man again.
-I can survive on much less money than I ever thought possible.
-And it’s not as bad as I thought it would be.
-“Blinded by the light/wrapped up like a douche/another runner in the night” – I still don’t know the words to that freaking song. Revved up like a deuce?
-I don’t understand why a brunch restaurant would run out of oatmeal and bagels every Sunday. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Is this not the biggest brunch day of the week? Are these expensive items to stock? Do they not learn from their inventory mistakes? Apparently not.
-I’m an idiot when it comes to college basketball. This will never change. For anyone.
-Living in another country- even for 6 months - is the experience of a lifetime.
-Can’t say it enough: your gut is always right. Never tune it out. Otherwise you’ll find yourself married, working in marketing and living in Atlanta.
-I have the most incredible family and friends a person could ever ask for.
-And if you’re reading this, you’re probably one of them, so thanks. You rule.


Blogger gina said...

CONGRATULATIONS AUNTIE BROWN!!!!! Now you are ruined forever by a sweet face! You will be whipped by this child over and over.


I adore the damn clever, darling, funny, talented, gorgeous (you put up more pics!), neato chick that I have gotten to know through this blog! I wish I could buy you a drink tonight and make video clips of all singing to post for all to see.

I wish for you a perfect evening (hot making-out included) to cap off a fabulous morning!

10:32 AM  
Blogger concha said...

im busy so i only have time for one...

on your bday, even tho it's your bday and you're in celebration mood and inclined to overinduldge...don't do it too quickly.

cause you may end up getting so drunk that you leave your own party and wake up at 6am in your own bed alone, only wearing a g-string and a crushed party hat, strung around the front of your neck like a necklace, wondering where the fuck you are and what happened to all your friends, and that goddamnit, you slept through your entire fucking party!!! (but not without first making out wth an ugly boy who gets the wrong impression and thinks that you like him and stalks you for the last 4 weeks of school until the quarter is over, even though your attraction can only be attributed to those giant 22oz bottles of presidente). do not do any of this.

happy bday, my dear.

12:55 PM  
Blogger sissy said...

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Auntie Brownie,
Happy Birthday to you!

What a great birthday present. Cute, adorable, and you DON'T have to raise her! How great is that?! She will adore you and want to be like you, because you will share the special birthday bond. You are so awesome, I don't know who gets the better deal! Major birthday hugs to you!!

I wish for you your mystery man. Major chemistry and he would swim across shark infested waters to bring you a beer. Don't settle for less. And I agree. Follow your gut. EVERY SINGLE TIME I didn't, I lived to regret it.

Happy hoopla chickie!

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Happy kindrid sister. Wow, we really do lead the same life, you are so right!

8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I read your blog even though you like Kentucky basketball (Go Jayhawks!). I found you via BMC. You're hilarious!

8:41 PM  
Blogger Jaime Schwarz said...

I think I'm getting more of an education reading you than all our time at our "alma mater" (ugh) brought me.

Happy Birthday you cutie patootie, keep making me envy the life you say you don't have!

10:19 AM  
Blogger cmhl said...

happy birthday!

7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I feel like shit because you always call me on mine. However, just so you know that we have at least one cosmic thread betwixt us, I sang Kareoke on Friday night. It was the clinic's xmas party (I had to go) and I brought my Kareoke machine (yes, I have one. So what? You got sumtin to say?). Natch, they made me sing before anyone else. So at least I know we were dropping the Big K together on our peeps.

Oh, and I knew all those movies. thedshaw just got lucky by posting first. Do some harder ones next time ; )

Thanks for your blog. Thanks for not fossilizing along with all my other female friends from high school. Thanks for not giving up or selling out (yet . . . we'll see what happens after Oprah). Thanks for being one of my best friends. Thanks for being.

12:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Belated, RBRown! Sorry I didn't wish you fond birthday wishes earlier but I was out of town! Anyway, I hope you had a great day and a fantastic celebration.

Just wanted to say that I think you rock! You're smart, funny, creative and honest. And most importantly, you appreciate the goofy. I'm glad to have become one of your blog friends recently. Someday soon, we're going to have to meet in real life. Maybe you, me, BossLady and Mystery Man will have a booze-filled karaoke mixer!

So happy birthday, RBrown. Wishing you all the best and...


6:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DP loves the RBrown!

Happy Birthday, darlin'!

11:35 AM  
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