Monday, January 30, 2006

I found a parking place

Someone once told me that finding a creative advertising job in San Francisco is a little like finding a parking place: if you keep circling, you’ll eventually find one, but you have to be patient.

I guess patience finally paid off. Today - 2 years, 11 months and 22 days after I left my boring career in marketing - I slid myself right into an available space. And not a 10-minute zone freelance kind of space. A full-time you’re gonna have to pry my ass out of this space ‘cause I got the club across my wheel kind of space. That’s right, I’m gainfully employed as a full-time copywriter. Woohoo! Health insurance, 401 K, flex spending – you will be mine!

Ironically enough, I worked here part-time while I was in ad school so it was nice to return and see lots of friendly, familiar faces. Only now they have a lot more awards. Good for them. And good for me! A round of paychecks for everyone!

You’ve GOT to be kidding me
Believe it or not, I haven’t watched “The Bachelor” since my previous entry so I have no idea what’s going on. But I tuned in tonight and heard the most ridiculous, most naïve thing that only someone of the male persuasion could be clueless enough to utter.

Two girls that he rejected were invited back to “help” him decide which 2 of the remaining 6 deserved to go on private dates with him. The Bachelor’s take on this was something like this: “I mean, these girls are here to help me. I have no doubt that they only have my very best interests at heart despite the fact that I didn’t choose them.” OH. MY. GOD. Guys, really….tell me you’re not all that clueless. Girls, am I lyin’? We know those girls are only interested in exercising their new found power against the 1 or 2 girls that they didn’t like, right?

Oh, and one last thing. How come no one on this show even makes an effort to say the French words correctly? Is it so hard to say “bohn joor” instead of “bonn joo-er”? NO!! For the love of GOD!

The Devil went down to Bacon Grease
Alright, alright, I know it’s been a while since I’ve blogged but don’t worry, I haven’t sold my soul to Satan. I was merely nursing a slight injury which prevents me from waving around my laptop which once felt light but now makes my back feels like its supporting 600 pounds of titanium instead of 4.

Anyway, I said a quick prayer for relief – you know the kind, the “Overpromise, Underdeliver”: “Please God, let this ripping pain in my lower back go away and I promise to buy 5 ‘Street Sheets’ a week for the rest of the year.”. And lo and behold, when I next checked my email someone had forwarded me a new blog by this old guy.

Huh. Not sure what to make of him yet but given my recent musings about organized religion I think I’m gonna be checking him out regularly to see what he has to say. Is he the real deal? I don’t know. I can’t say that I really like him if he is who he says is but maybe he can shed some light from the other side on what the hell is going on in our world. It’s always good to have multiple viewpoints. Plus he says that Ryan Seacrest and Mark Burnett are part of his “team” (Terri Hatcher? That hooker’s gotta be on the list too…double-check). He’s like an In Touch magazine from the bowels of hell. And you know I loves me some celebrity gossip, no matter what the origin.

So Prince B, I’m adding you to my blog roll. Don’t for a second think you’ve “got” me, because you don’t…and you never will. I’ll be watching you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice work! It's about time the advertising world woke up and smelled what the RBrown is cookin'. Congratulations. It's overdue and much deserved. I wish you all the best, and just let me know if they give you any shit.

I checked out their website. Daaaaaamn. Looks like you not only found a parking place, but pretty nice ride to go in it. You don't mess around. This looks like a high profile, martini lunch kinda gig. Pimpin' ain't dead. Just don't forget the little people on your way to the top.

12:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have my sincere gratitude for referring your readers to my forum. And a witty and attractive bunch they are. I welcome them all to join me.

It appears that congratulations are also in order. Your new position sounds intriguing. I'm quite certain I could arrange for rapid advancement if your amenable to a few suggestions.

Finally, my dear, rest assured that I'll be watching you, as well . . .

Your friend until The End,

12:55 AM  
Blogger BITE MY COOKIE said...

yay for kick-ass jobs (and they just won agency of the year in something...ya?) i have a couple of pals that work there. so maybe i will have to send a bucket of congratscrackadamias for you to get drunk on. if you can hang on until we're settled (that new-job smell won't have worn off, will it?)

6:50 AM  
Blogger Single, Party of One said...

Macfisto, I'm sure there are 3 martini lunches happening, but not necessarily for people with titles like "junior copywriter". But thank you for your vote of confidence in my incredible abilities to sniff out free drinks!

BMC, "settle down" - where are you? Did you guys leave Seattle or just your zip code? Crackadamia? HELLS YES! But no worries if you can't. Just the thought of them makes me warm and 5 lbs happier.

9:02 AM  
Blogger sissy said...

Hurrah! Good going! It makes me want to go back to work...REALLY! I was starting to worry about you! Hope all heals well and a thousand happy grams to you. They see your fab brilliance!

11:25 AM  
Blogger DP said...


Congrats RBrown! You TOTALLY deserve this! You bad-ass copywriter hottie you!

11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats, RBrown! Glad you found a good home where you can put your bad-ass skils to work (and get some health insurance too!) Place looks awesome. Looking forward to hearing the cool stuff that you come up with!

1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Welocme back sister and congratufuckinglations! Don't it feel good?

Your ass got me sucked into the bach and after 24 I hop over to see these idiots in Paris.

8:23 PM  
Blogger Jaime Schwarz said...

Congrats RB we missed you in blog land! I hope this new found wealth and creative outlet doesn't keep you from keeping us entertained.

Can't wait to see you in adcritic's interactive section!

10:09 PM  
Blogger Tweets said...

Congrats RBrown! What a great shop! Save room on your shelf for your Gold Pencil - cause gurrrl, you're a fabulous writer.

I absolutely love the New Job Honeymoon phase, you know the one where you would have sex with free paper clips and health insurance if you could. Or was that just me?

8:46 AM  
Blogger concha said...

haha. how ironic. i'm writing copy for fake parking tickets right now.

congrats dude. we've come a long way since islington. well, you more than me since i'm still freelancing. but you know. that ocean is big. so maybe that counts as a long way. i don't know what the hell i'm saying anymore.

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on that fine new parking spot.

12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pull out The Club and park it! I love it! you're gonn abe heavy with awards soon, and then be sure to remember the little bloggers you left behind.
hopefully i'll be joining you soon.

4:24 PM  
Blogger Single, Party of One said...

The nice thing about writing fake parking tickets, Miss Concha, is that it pays an assload more. So while I'm stirring up my 79 cent noodle pot each day at lunch you'll be ordering the full entree meal with appetizer. And once again, I'll be pressing my face against the glass of (proverbial) restaurants so it's really not all that different than the old Islington days.

Virgo, don't even get me started. Get. Ass. Here. NOW. (look, I all-capped you - AGAIN!)

5:38 PM  
Blogger gina said...

Yay! I am so happy for you Ms. Parkin' Brown! I soooo hope you are having a great time! You are brilliant!

6:51 PM  
Blogger concha said...

how am i richer than you? i don't have the club job anymore. although i am still freelance...which means they don't take out my taxes...which could i guess afford me an app/entrée. but damn, the tire around my waist keeps growing....

7:32 AM  
Blogger concha said...

how am i richer than you? i don't have the club job anymore. although i am still freelance...which means they don't take out my taxes...which could i guess afford me an app/entrée. but damn, the tire around my waist keeps growing....

7:32 AM  
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5:59 PM  

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