Friday, March 24, 2006

Don't cry out loud

JJ cried the day the Tigers came to town…

OK, enough quoting of bad Judy Collins songs from the 70s. My brain is exploding with such happiness right now that I can scarcely think of anything funny to say. So I’ll just settle for HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU LOST YOU FRICKING BLUE DEVIL, BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now we chant. LSU! (SEC!) LSU! (SEC!) LSU! (SEC!)

Can I get a HELL FUCKING YEAH, people??!!!

We now return to our normal programming.


Blogger Tweets said...

LSU? I will love you if you beat the snot out of UT.

Like really, I will LOVE you.

10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blue Devils, Go Home!

11:35 AM  
Blogger concha said...

hell yeah gators kick your ass in football. hell yeah!

11:58 AM  
Blogger Single, Party of One said...

Just to be clear: I'm NOT an LSU full-time fan. I'm only happy because they beat Duke and now represent (yo) my league of choice. I suppose that makes me have to root for florida too. Though, if it came down to it (and it won't) and I had to pick a fave for a FL/LSU match-up it would be tough. Like choosing between death by firing squad or root canal without novacain (a la James Frey's made up memoir). In the end, I'd choose LSU. (Sorry, Concha...nothing personal.) But it would hurt. Either way.

12:31 PM  
Blogger Tweets said...

I think this tourney has been one of the lamest tourneys ever.

There. I said it.

8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

all i can say is HELL-O Big Baby Davis.
and tweets, i was inclined to agree with your "lamest tourney" claim, but then i heard someone say they don't call is March Sanity. It's madness!

10:48 AM  
Blogger concha said...

ahem. go-mutherfuking-gators.

8:37 PM  
Blogger Single, Party of One said...

Yay for the sec! Congrats, concha!

(but don't go gettin' all NEW MONEY on me. ONE championship. don't get carried away with your bad selves just yet....)

9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What is it with girls fighting?



5:07 PM  

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