...and actually it was quite refreshing to hear from him.
MetroDad, one of my blogging heroes, recently asked his readers to do one of those silly personality tests that we all roll our eyes at when we receive them in email. But I have to say, I did it and I had a grand old time reading everyone’s. Now, I’m asking all of you to do the same. PLEASE don’t make me beg (though I think all caps constitutes begging on a blog). I’ll call you out by name on this public forum if I must. Come on….it’s Friday. Even I remember what happens after 1:00 at most places on Friday. Nada.
Crazy V, post your shit, girl, or I’m cutting and pasting it for you so I don’t look like an idiot as the only one with my list of 7’s on here. Follow the categories, add new if you want (Crazy V added “favorite foods to eat on the couch”).
One semi-quick note after much hullabaloo to a few of the ladies on “Why Colin Firth”: Colin = Darcy (William or Mark, whomever’s your pleasure - mine is both). Darcy = Chivalrous. Perhaps Helen Fielding (or her screenplay writer) summed it up best in “Bridget Jones” with this quote:
Bridget: Wait a minute, nice boys don’t kiss like that.
Mark Darcy: Oh yes they fucking do.
Mouth. Still. Watering.
Now, get to answering, people!
7 things I want to do before I die: 1. Live in London again.
2. Travel to Ireland with my mom and brothers
3. Go to the Final Four and/or score a ticket to the last Kentucky home basketball game of any regular season
4. Write something funny that the whole world rushes to read. That’s not a blog. And not an ad.
5. Own a house with either a big front porch, a screened in porch or both.
6. Travel to (in no particular order) Spain, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, Prague, Africa, Croatia, Greece. Alright, I’ll go anywhere.
7. Fall completely, madly, hopelessly, ridiculously, look-like-a big-fucking-idiot in love.
7 Things I Cannot Do: 1. Give up salsa or any spicy food.
2. Cartwheels. Round-offs. Back-handsprings. And God knows I tried.
3. Crossword puzzles (no patience)
4. Snow ski.
5. Draw.
6. Math. Of any kind.
7. The Electric Slide. (I know, but after the 634,311 weddings I’ve been to, I feel like a jackass asking someone to slow it down for a tutorial)
7 Things I say most often: 1. Hello my little: lamb, nugget, petal, love muffin, biscuit, flower, ray of sunshine
2. Whore. (it can be an insult AND a term of endearment in my world)
3. Fuck. (I know, so unladylike. But I can’t stop)
4. Let’s grab a coffee/a drink
5. Are they hiring?
6. Call me after 9 or this weekend, I’m almost out of minutes.
7. That's ridic. (or ri-fucking-diculous,)
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex (yes, I’ve cheated and doubled up to keep it at 7)1. Quick witted funny types.
2. Intelligence.
3. Creative dudes. Somehow. Someway. Bracelets out of grass blades. I don’t care.
4. A sexy voice and/or eyes that can switch from sweet to “I’m about to tell you a dirty joke”
5. An easy smiler/genuine gut laugher
6. Tall. Chivalrous.
7. Wants to meet/appreciates my friends. Cause they’re hi-fucking-larious.
7 celebrity crushes (is that all I get??) 1. Colin Firth (Mouth. Is. Watering.)
2. George Clooney (that smile just screams “oh yeah, we’re SO gonna do it”)
3. Cillian Murphy (loved that f-ed up hair in 28 days Later)
4. Gwyneth/Kate Winslet/Tina Fey/ (my non-sexual girl crushes)
5. Matthew Fox. (With the 5 o’clock shadow.)
6. The Owen Brothers.
7. Chris Martin. (Make fun of me all you want, but those soulful words just slay me.)
7.5 - Zach Braff, though I fear he is a wee bit of a man and that I would break him in half if we were to ever roll around in bed together.